The Sokan Council


The Knights of Sokan are governed and led by their very own Jedi Council. Being such a large suborder within the Jedi Order this was a necessity. The Knights of Sokan Jedi Council operates and functions much like the actual Jedi Council. They deal with the day to day issues of the order, and plan the deployments and movements of the many Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters within the order. Currently due to the war with the Empire the council has been forced into a more active role throughout the galaxy, but those who can meet regularly now at the Knights of Sokan Temple on Coruscant.


The council is composed of many different individuals who focus on different aspects and needs within the order. There is always room on the Knights of Sokan Council for those Jedi who show great leadership, wisdom, and knowledge.


The Sokan Council


The Sokan Council


The Sokan Council


Master of Acquisitions
The Sokan Council


The Sokan Council


Keeper of the Archives

Jedi Master Kanah has been in the order of the Knights of Sokan ever since the ripe young age of two.  She has proven herself in battle, but is more adept to the study and use of ancient artifacts.

The Sokan Council


Master of the Order